We Will Work With You To Keep Radiology Peer Program Costs Within Your Budget

For TRADITIONAL PROSPECTIVE PEER REVIEW where cases are chosen and presented to us for review, scoring, and comments:

Costs for randomly chosen cases will be based on a set fee for each type of case and whether a comparison is reviewed. The cost is more if we have to populate the score sheet information and less if the scoresheets are populated by the practice or facility. Further, the cost is less if the cases are presented by secure internet connection (eg., VPN to the PAC system) than if the cases are sent on a disc. And the cost is also based on the ease of connection to the PAC system.

For RETROSPECTIVE PEER REVIEW of a case or series of cases, the cost is determined based on the time spent to review the case – this can often be estimated ahead of undertaking the review.

For DEVISING A HYBRID PROGRAM, costs will be a combination of one time consulting fee for setting up an internal program and establishing the process of some external review; then the external review cost would be similar to the Traditional Prospective Peer Review program discussed above.

For ESTABLISHING A PEER LEARNING PROGRAM that the practice or department implements internally, the consultation cost is based on time spent (hourly charge), for which we will attempt to give an accurate estimate after a brief initial interview.

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