Welcome to Radiology Peer Review Panel

Radiolgy Peer ReviewWe are a team of Diagnostic Radiologists that provide Peer Review and Peer Learning Services. 

What we can do:

1. Tailor a Peer Review and/or Peer Learning Program for your Imaging Services
2. Provide Full Service Peer Review (Over-reads) by Independent Board-Certified Radiologists in appropriate Modality or Subspecialty areas
3. Provide guidance to set up a Peer Review and/or Peer Learning Program which can be implemented Internally and Monitored Externally
4. Provide Educational Opportunities in area identified by Trends or Individual Cases

We can assist with implementation of the trademarked RADPEER program established by the American College of Radiology (ACR), or establish an independent but similar program to fit your needs.

Why do Peer Review:

1. Required by the Joint Commission (JCAHO)
2. Meet requirements for ACR Peer Learning / Quality Assurance Accreditation
3. Credentialing and Re-certification
4. Education resulting in Improvement in Patient Care
5. Better Risk Profile (Risk management)