How We Can Implement A Peer Program For You

The review program is tailored to the needs, desires, and resources of the practice or facility. Here is an example of how a Traditional Peer Review program might work:

A practice administrator selects at random each month (or each quarter) a specified number of cases read by each radiologist; the cases chosen would reflect the approximate percentage of cases in each modality read by that radiologist.
For example if Dr. Jones is assigned to Body CT 25% of the time, Xrays 50% of the time, and ultrasound 25 % of the time, and if 20 cases a month are to be reviewed for each radiologist, the administrator in charge of QA would randomly choose 5 CT's, 10 plain films, and 5 Ultrasounds to place on the review list to send for review. For each facility or department, a score sheet would be provided, and the radiologist would be identified by a number or some other identifier; each patient would be identified by a medical record and accession #, and the score sheet would be used by our panel for the review. The indication or history for each exam is provided (either on a separate sheet or on the accompanying report) so that the reviewer has the same information provided to the initial reader.
The initial radiologist's report is also included for review.

The above selection might also be done by an automated system by the practice or imaging center technology team.

The above data can be provided to us on a disc or through a secure internet connection / transmission.

Scoring and commentary would be made on sheets sent to us, with the pertinent identifying information pre-filled by the practice administrator.

For a Peer Learning Program, we will interview the pertinent radiology and administrative staff of the practice or department / center to understand the operations of the practice and to determine what a practical approach to peer learning for that practice might be. We will then devise a plan and present this to the practice for discussion and ultimate refinement.


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